Expansion of the Levis Congress Centre
Expansion of the Levis Congress Centre
The expansion of Levis Congress Centre allowed the building to increase its capacity and to increase the versatility of its activities. The additional floor and parking space is sufficient to satisfy a larger quantity of congressmen at one time.
9149-8329 Québec Inc.
Type of project
Contract type
Construction management
Type of service
Value analysis
Design and estimating
5750, rue J.-B.-Michaud Levis, (Quebec)
Pierre Moreau architecte
Groupe Conseil SID
Dinamo's touch
- Work on the building without interrupting the regular activities of the centre all the while making sure the comfort of the occupants was maintained
- Respect of the existing architecture
- Substantial guidance during the project’s negotiations
- Our team also played a significant role during the negotiations with the City of Lévis and during the signature of the lease